Eye is a body organ without which any organism especially human being cannot be able to see what is going around the world. Can you guess five of the importances of this organ. Wow! That’s good but I know you have not mentioned this one. Let’s be together.
Eyes in particular are important for the public communicator ,generally more frequent direct age contact indicates more affection or interest .And member of the audience prefer speakers who maintains good eye contact ,which is perceived as an indication of honesty, trustworthiness and confidence. A speaker who avoid eye contact seems to be uncomfortable and the audience may think he or she is attempting to deceive or hide something. Most people find that maintaining direct eye contact with a person you are attempting to deceive is quite difficult.
Remember , eye contact may measure how confident you are when talking to the public.
Eyes in particular are important for the public communicator ,generally more frequent direct age contact indicates more affection or interest .And member of the audience prefer speakers who maintains good eye contact ,which is perceived as an indication of honesty, trustworthiness and confidence. A speaker who avoid eye contact seems to be uncomfortable and the audience may think he or she is attempting to deceive or hide something. Most people find that maintaining direct eye contact with a person you are attempting to deceive is quite difficult.
Remember , eye contact may measure how confident you are when talking to the public.
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